‌Brand Book Design

Brand Book and All You Need to Know About It

According to Seth Godin, the brand is nothing but a set of expectations, memories, along with stories. Relationships that are taken into account for all the decisions of the customers to choose a single product and a service over another.

برندبوک تثبیت‌کننده هویت و شخصیت سازمان‌ها، شرکت‌ها و یا کسب و کارهاست.
از ویژگی‌های اصلی داشتن برندبوک، ایجاد هماهنگی، سازگاری و تطابق میان بخش‌های مختلف برند است.

What Is a Brand Book?

Many of us have heard about the brand book and its uses for a business. But are we all aware of the brand book in detail? Let us read and understand about it together.

A brand book is a complete guide that has the potential of explaining the identity of your brand and has the power to cover all the details and standards of your brand.

The brand book simply tells the world about your business and makes everyone aware of its existence. A brand book is also the DNA of your brand and business that has other names apart from the brand book, such as:


-Brand guide

-Brand manual

-Brand identity book

-Brand toolkit

-Style guide

-Last but not least, visual identity guidelines


You do not have to make your brand book a comprehensive one. Focus mainly on the aspects of its design and the guidelines of the company overview.

Why Should You Choose Gonbad Firouze?

Gonbad Firouze has proved itself to its clients as well as the competitive market. We work hard to provide the best to our clients.

We will walk by you throughout the journey till you get your ideal brand book. Our main goal at Gonbad Firouze is customer satisfaction. Our years of experience have not proven our clients and us otherwise.

We are just a call away from you. Hurry and get your brand book design from us.

Package 1

Selected Package
T ۹,۰۰,۰۰۰
  • Market analysis
  • Target audiance analysis
  • Brand strategy analysis
  • Targeted Brand
  • Color Theme Analysis
  • Font List Creation
  • Brand Rules
  • Guidebook Design
  • Visual Identity Design
  • Selective Components Design
  • Create Visual Identity
  • Social media Layout

Package 2

Selective Package + Logo Design
T ۱۴,۰۰,۰۰۰
  • Logo Design
  • Market Analysis
  • Competitors Analysis
  • Brand Strategy Analysis
  • Targeted Brand
  • Color Theme Analysis
  • Font List Creation
  • Brand Rules
  • Guidebook Design
  • Visual Identity Design
  • Selective Components Design
  • Visual Identity Creation
  • Social Media Design

Package 3

T ۱۶,۰۰,۰۰۰
  • Market Analysis
  • Competitors Analysis
  • Brand Strategy Analysis
  • Targeted Brand
  • Color Theme Analysis
  • Font List Creation
  • Brand Rules
  • Guidebook Design
  • Visual Identity Design
  • Complete Components Brand Design
  • Visual Identity Creation
  • Social Media Layout

Package 4

Complete Package + Logo Design
T ۲۱,۰۰,۰۰۰
  • Logo Design
  • Market Analysis
  • Competitors Analysis
  • Brand Strategy Analysis
  • Targeted Brand
  • Color Theme Analysis
  • Font List Creation
  • Brand Rules
  • Guidebook design
  • Visual Identity Design
  • Complete Componentes Brand Design
  • Visual Identity Creation
  • Social Media Layout

Are Brand Guidelines Important?

The main reason to have a brand book is consistency. The brand book has the ability to make employee enrolment easy for you. It also acts as an orientation for your employees and a guide for them.

Reading your brand book will help them get accustomed to the rules of your brand better and faster. A brand book is essential due to some reasons such as:


-It helps in maintaining the consistency of the brand.

-The brand book helps in the establishment of trust in the brand you have.

-It helps in boosting the brand’s efficiency.

-Finally, it can help in achieving the growth as well as the success of your brand.

What All Should Your Brand Book Include in It?

A brand book should have a section about your brand.

  • There should be some details about your brand mission, brand values, and even target audience in this section.

It should have a visual guideline. In this section, you should write about your logo and its details, such as color, placement, and variations.

  • Typography
  • And finally, textures and icon patterns.

Last but not least it should have a communication guideline.

In this part, you should write about the language of your brand, email structure, and the tone of voice used in it.

  • Readability is important. Keep sentences short.
  • The abbreviation and the grammar used, and so on.

How to Design a Perfect Brand Book?

There is nothing to worry about when you have Gonbad Firouze by your side. Designing a brand book is simply the most waited stage for all business organizations.

We will get into the details with you regarding the logo, colors, images that should be used, and the most critical factor, which is the tone of the voice.

It may seem a complex and challenging task for you to design the perfect brand book that will have all the points mentioned above in it. When you have an experienced company like Gonbad Firouze by your side, all you need to do is sit and watch.

We will walk by you throughout the journey till you get your ideal brand book. Our main goal at Gonbad Firouze is customer satisfaction. Our years of experience have not proven our clients and us otherwise.

We are just a call away from you. Hurry and get your brand book design from us.